Thursday, May 5, 2011

Starting a grassroots movement...while cutting grass.

The desire for outreach has really been burning in my heart for sometime. I have traveled around the world and throughout the states decreeing and demonstrating the Kingdom of God, but felt little effectiveness in my own backyard. I had been seeking God about the "missing" keys or formulas that I had not yet discovered. One afternoon I got the lawnmower out, put my head phones in (listening to Jonathan David Helser) and began to cut the grass. I had no idea that my normal routine was about to be completely interrupted by the voice of God!

Right there in the middle of worship music blasting in my ears and the sound of the lawnmower blades spinning with a dull tone underneath, I began to hear Father speak. He asked me, "Do you realize that you are the key to salvation for your community?". My curiosity immediately began as He continued, "You have been focused on the needs of others everywhere else, but have neglected the needs of those right next door." He said, "It is difficult to try to have dominion in the nations of the earth when you don't have it in your own neighborhood." He then began to open my eyes to immedate needs in front of my nose.

For the next entry I will share some of the specifics of the needs of those around me. Please share this blog with others and help spread the word about the concept of "Love Thy Neighbor". Blessings.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following you and learning along with you brother. BTW, whatever happened to "Daily Steak"? LOL.
